Alexander Pierce was born on Vulcan in 2290 to  Richard A. Pierce,  a human, and Sa'lanna,   a Vulcan high priestess. His early years were spent with his father, a Federation diplomat, traveling to different worlds. During these  journeys,  Alexander Pierce became friends with a young  Gorn,  Hin'ticoth,  who would one day become the political leader of the Gorn race.

At the age of eight, Pierce returned to Vulcan and  soon after entered the Kolinahr at the
request of his mother.  Pierce became  friends with Tuvok,  another young Vulcan attempting   to achieve Kolinahr, but  Tuvok  was  forced to  leave  in  2304  when  he entered  Pon Farr.  After Tuvok left ,  pierce  became obsessed with controlling the Pon Farr . to  achieve this, he turned to the ancient, forbidden secrets  of the Mind Lords, a group of Vulcans in their  violent past who possessed vast mental abilities far beyond those  the Vulcans of the  twenty-fourth  century.  Pierce studied in secret,  learning the secrets of the Vulcan Mind Lords.  However, Pierce's forbidden  studies were revealed and during an investigation into his activities, two high priests and an  acolyte were killed.  After taking full responsibility for the three deaths,    Alexander Pierce became the third  person in Vulcan history to be exiled from that planet.

Pierce traveled to earth in 2312 and soon after entered Starfleet Academy. He graduated three years later,  a full year early.  Pierce's first  assignment  was to the U.S.S. Griffin, 
an  excelsior  class starship under the commander of captain Donald Pomerantz. Pierce
served as junior science officer but was soon moved to Tactical when he displayed a natural ability to out think opponents during  several skirmishes with Orion pirates.  Two years later Pierce was promoted to lieutenant when under fire  and all  other senior officers  were  dead or  unconscious, Pierce  saved  the Griffin   from  destruction by taking the ship  into  an  asteroid field and  eventually  defeated their  attackers.  Soon  after,  at the request of Captain  Pomerantz,  Pierce  began  writing  several  papers  detailing  his ideas  concerning combat tactics which eventually became the basis from which Starfleet developed  its  advanced  tactical training program.  In 2322, Lieutenant Commander Pierce  returned  to Earth and Starfleet Academy to teach advanced tactics.

While on earth, Pierce met a young Vulcan named Selyn. After a short time, the two married and had a daughter,  Sa'lanna.  A  year  after  their  daughter was born,  it  was revealed that  Pierce's  wife  was actually  a  Romulan  spy, sent  to  earth  to infiltrate Starfleet Academy  and  serve  as  a  long  term operative  from  within  the Starfleet.   In a  dramatic  phaser  exchange  on  the grounds  of Starfleet Academy, Selyn escaped and presumably returned to the Romulan Empire. Pierce never saw her again. At Pierce's request, the infant Sa'lanna was taken to Vulcan and raised by his parents until 2342 when she followed in her father's  footsteps and joined Starfleet Academy.

Pierce left Starfleet Academy in 2331 and was assigned to the U.S.S. Livingston, an
excelsior class starship,  as its executive officer.  Less than two years later,  Pierce was
forced to take command of the Livingston   after the captain was  killed during an  Orion
sneak attack near the  Cestus system.  During the attack,  the  Livingston saved several
Gorn  ships  transporting  colonists.  In  a  joint  military operation led by Pierce, several key Orion smuggling operations were destroyed, effectively halting the Orion threat. Shortly afterward, Cestus III was colonized by the Federation and a peace treaty with  the Gorn Alliance was signed. Pierce was promoted to captain and given command of the Livingston  but was also censured by the Federation council for his violation of Orion space.

Under the command of Alexander Pierce, the U.S.S. Livingston  proved herself a ship of
exploration as well, charting new planets and establishing first contact with several new

In 2351 the Cardassian  wars  began. Pierce and the Livingston  fought the Cardassians on several occasions along with Benjamin Maxwell,  captain of the U.S.S. Rutledge, and
Captain  Edward Jellico  of the U.S.S. Cairo. In 2355, the U.S.S. Livingston  successfully
defended the U.S.S. Stargazer under the command of Jean-Luc Picard as it fled  from a 
Cardassian warship.  It was during this time that a new group of  young ensigns  were
assigned to the Livingston,   among them  were  Mackenzie  Calhoun, Benjamin  Sisko, 
Daniel  Shetley,  Gary Quick, Kevin Powell, Randy Planty, and Ambassador Curzon Dax. Sisko served aboard the Livingston  until 2357 when he was transferred to the U.S.S. Okinawa  under the command  of  Robert Layton.  Soon after,  Curzon Dax returned to Trill.  Pierce and the Livingston  continued to  battle the Cardassians  until 2264  when the Livingston  was severely damaged during battle with five Cardassian warships near the Bajor system. 

Pierce  returned  to  earth in  2365  and  was assigned  to  Starfleet Tactical  under the command  of Admiral J. P.  Hanson.  Pierce was promoted to admiral in 2367 and placed in charge of Starfleet Tactical  after  Hanson's  death  at  the  battle  of Wolf  359.  Pierce  oversaw  the development of  new weapons  systems  and starship  classes, including the quantum torpedo,  pulse phaser cannon  and the sovereign class starship.  In 2372, after being promoted to rear admiral, Pierce took a leave of absence and seemed to disappear for nearly a year.  When  Pierce returned  in  2373,  his  physical  appearance  had  chanced.  Instead  of a man in  his eighties,  Pierce  now  looked fifty  years younger.  Only through  extensive medical examination was his identity confirmed.  Pierce  returned  to  Starfleet  and  after  a  bitter  power  struggle  from  within Starfleet Command, placed in charge of the Andromeda Class Development Project, ahead  of Rear Admiral Edward Jellico.

In 2374,  after the disappearance of the  U.S.S. Andromeda  on her maiden voyage, Pierce was promoted to vice admiral after he successfully  convinced Fleet Admiral Alynna  Necheyev to give him command of the U.S.S. Liberator and the newly reformed Seventh Federation Starfleet.