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Greetings fellow Star Trek fans,

Please allow me to take the opportunity to welcome you to Star Trek : Liberator. In order to best experience these  web pages, it is important  for you to understand  a little background beforehand.

I have been a fan of Star Trek for years, from the original series to it's newest incarnation. The  stories and  special effects have always been the standard for which all  other  sci-fi television  series  have  been compared, with  the  possible  exception  of Babylon 5,  which is the best American  sci-fi  series in  television  history  (In my opinion).  Star Trek's  only  failing, in my opinion, has been  it's continued  use of their very neat, very marketable storylines.   In 95% of all star trek episodes , each begin with a perfect universe.  A few minutes later,  that universe falls apart.  The characters of  each series  spends  the majority of  the episode seeking  answers to the question, "why has our perfect universe fallen apart". However, by the end of the episode all of the characters and most of the time, the universe, is in exactly the same state is it was at the beginning.  The producers and  writers, for whatever reason,  find it impossible to place their characters out on a limb.  This is where Babylon 5 has earned it's place as my favorite series.  

To some of you, it may seem confusing why I would choose  to write about Star Trek rather  than B5. Actually, the reason is quite simple.  Babylon 5, while a superior storyline,  has been written in a way so that it has a definite beginning and an end,  with little or no room in between the stories to expand upon. I will admit, that from an aspiring fan writer’s perspective, this can be restrictive, but if you are a fan of the series, you won't mind. However, I am digressing from the purpose of this message.

I have always wanted to write a star trek story. Gene Roddenbury's universe has always  been an excellent place  for  writers to  expand upon , and generally have a good time exploring in  their own way. However, it seemed to me that I never had  the time,  or the right idea came to me.  With the Dominion war arc that DS9  is currently in, that changed (and also due to a lot of friendly prodding from my friends to start writing again). I decided that showing the Dominion war from a different point of view than  that of the DS9  characters would be interesting (if I had written Star Trek : Insurrection, I would have chronicled the enterprise's role during the Dominion war). This does not mean that characters from DS9  and other Star Trek series will not show up in my stories from time to time. That’s what makes it fun for both the writer and his audience.

This web site is best experienced at a screen size of 800 x 600, using at least 256 colors,  but to see most of the graphics at their best, 16 bit color  or better is recommended. The fonts used here are downloadable from the main menu or here. Later I plan on expanding the downloads area to include more fonts and possibly sounds as well.

With this said, the only thing left is for you to explore Star Trek : Liberator and have a good time.

Thank you,
                                                                                                                               Johnny R. Call